GSAPP Portfolio 2020
Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design
Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
Columbia University
︎Complilation of projects developed during the Advanced Studios and Technology Courses of the AAD program.
︎Digital Publication︎
Automated Haven
Artist retreat | Fruit picking | Automated Leisure
︎Advanced Design Studio V
Fall 2019
Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design
Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
Columbia University
︎Studio Prompt: Art House
Site: Coxsackie, New York
Critic: VPPR (Tatiana von Preussen, Catherine Pease, Jessica Reynolds)
︎Automated Haven is a creative retreat for artists going through a phase of self-discovery, rethinking their life and art.It becomes a place to re-charge and re-inspire artists far away from the pressures of daily life. This retreat is a celebration to the banal and primitivity of being surrounded by nature in a techno-social context. Embracing automation technologies to redefine domesticity and social intercourse. The project is layout with the juxtaposition of programs: Fruit collection / Art making / Automated Leisure.
The Eupnea Project
Exploration of an Expandable Prosthetic Device
︎Transformable Design Methods
Fall 2019
Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design
Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
Columbia University
︎Critic: Matthew Davis
Partner: Christopher Spyrakos
Model: Manuela Siffert
Photographer: Victoria Macchi
︎Our capacity to connect with architecture and media has created an incrementing global notion of political, social and territorial issues. Understanding the human body as a mechanism with the ability to extend its capacity through other devices is only possible with networks and the use of prosthetics that have been present since primitive times in several scales, from simple inventions such as the wheel, lever, pulley, etc. —that have given the human-self a way to achieve physical, survival and shelter challenges— To other devices such as lighthouses, carrier pigeons and telegraph as territorial extensions to transmit a message. The Eupnea project is a conceptual exploration of a transformable device that activates when the user faces an environment with poor air quality. Each antenna is deployed with mist that covers the micro-atmosphere of the user to enhance the air quality around.
The Lighthouse Project